Joseph O’Neil is an Independent MEDICARE Insurance Broker

I am dedicated to educating my clients on the various programs and insurance companies within the Medicare spectrum. I pride myself on my ability to select the program best for each of my clients depending on their specific medical and prescription needs.
Medicare is not a one-size-fits-all program…
…although some senior citizens are led to believe it is. I have encountered many citizens who are enrolled in programs that are not always the most beneficial for them. Programs are selected and agreed upon after carefully listening to each client’s lifestyle, and general health.
Medicare Supplement Plans
I ask questions such as do they travel or stay in other states during the winter, or do they require multiple physicians, specific prescriptions, and/or have medical conditions that may have arisen since their initial sign-up with Medicare?
Most people believe that higher-cost premiums for healthcare and prescriptions are their best options when it comes to protecting themselves from potential healthcare services. This is simply not true; in fact, it’s an easy way to become over-insured.
There are many choices when it comes to Medicare supplemental insurance for folks with various health and financial situations. Medicare recipients need to study and consider their own needs and wants and get good counseling from a reputable insurance agent. A good Medicare Independent Broker can tailor a specific program to fit your needs. Those who rely on suggestions from friends or neighbors as to their coverage can end up making costly mistakes.
Let me educate you on MEDICARE Supplement Insurance Plans
Hundreds of thousands of dollars per year are wasted needlessly when it comes to selecting medical insurance. The most important thing when picking a plan is to educate yourself. It’s important to know how a supplemental Medicare plan works and if it can be changed down the road, if necessary. When people become eligible for Medicare, they often choose a program before they understand how supplemental or advantage plans even work.
The proper method is to evaluate your Medical needs, look at your health, how frequently you visit your physician, and the plans you’re reviewing for what they may or may not cover.
“Selecting a plan with a professional who is trained and educated about Medicare Supplemental Insurance is truly your best option.”
I handle policies from major carriers in the South Coast area, and I understand what most people are facing with the Medicare program. I am compensated directly from the insurance carriers, so there is no cost to you for this valuable information. For your convenience, consultations are one-to-one and can be provided at your kitchen table or any place of your choice. I will make sure that all necessary paperwork and enrollment forms will be complete and accurate to ensure there are no delays in your coverage. Annual reviews are recommended and can often be accomplished via telephone, unless in-person is most comfortable for you.
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